Systematic Program
As a clean and safe Korean nursing facility, we serve the elderly in a more comfortable and friendly environment. We are responsible for the healthy life of the elderly with systematic programs and schedules suitable for the elderly.

Healthy recipes for seniors
Food is a barometer of the health
If you don't eat evenly, on time, and enough food, it's harmful to your health. We provide balanced food that stimulates the appetite for the elderly with a healthy diet for the elderly with full nutrition management in terms of quality and quantity of meals.


Medical Service
Regular visits by a medical director doctor and 24-hour resident nurses provide management and treatment. When necessary, we provide specialized medical services such as medication treatment under the doctor's prescription.

Nursing Service
Specialized nursing is provided for early discharge patients and short-term care residents who need a professional nurse due to stroke, dementia, trauma, and various chronic diseases.

Short-Term Rehabilitation Program
Thorough Rehabilitation Treatment Program: Care provided by a State Accredited/Licensed Physical Therapist

Long Term Rehabilitation Program
Those who are at home or who need continuous treatment after short-term care